marți, 22 februarie 2011

TAD 2011 - Day 22: Violet day - bangle bracelets and cat earrings

Horrible weather today: snow and wind so I couldn't go out to sell March trinkets. So I stayed in and beaded: a nw pair of cats earrings, this time for me, and two violet bangle bracelets.


3 comentarii:

  1. Hi Ruxy!(this is from Roxane)?
    I live in Hungary.Like y'r things.I like this pairs of cats earreings a lot.
    Good lock with with y'u sellings!

  2. Thanks! Ruxy is from Ruxandra, Romanian more or less similar to Roxane. You also have very nice things!

  3. Imi place bratara asta. Felicitari. Poate daca o sa ai timp si chef, o sa pui si un tutorial, sunt tare curioasa cum ai facut-o ;) Si eu fac bijuterii in timpul meu liber, ca hobby. Chiar zilele astea am comandat niste margele mov de la Opitec, si nu stiam ca sa fac cu ele, dar mi-ai dat o idee: bratara si cercei cu accesorii. Succes in continuare.
